class | App |
| Manages several GameWorld. Responsible for assembling them and passing along Staged events as well as user input events. More...
struct | AudioEmitter |
| Component for emitting sound events. More...
struct | AudioImplementation |
| Stores data for implementing the Audio Engine. This includes various maps to fmod events and banks, as well as a reference to FMOD_STUDIO_SYSTEM. More...
struct | BoundingBox |
| Represents a bounding box. More...
class | BoundingVolumeHierarchy |
| A tree of bounding volumes, with leaf nodes containing a collection of triangles. Useful as a space-accelerant structure to speed up collision detection. More...
class | Callback |
| A wrapper around a shared_ptr to a function. More...
struct | Camera |
| Wrapper around the GraphicsEngine camera. More...
struct | Collider |
| A boolean flag to tell if an Entity has a Collider. More...
struct | CollisionSystemData |
| Manages data that the collision system uses. This lives in runtime on an empty entity. More...
class | ComponentContainer |
| Container for a specific Component type. More...
class | ComponentGroup |
| Effectively a list of tuples each entry containing an Entity and ComponentReference to each of the component type in the group. These Entity must have the specified components, or else there will be unexpected behaviour. When an Entity no longer has all the required components, it must be removed from the Group. More...
class | ComponentReference |
| Reference to a component. Will be valid as long as that component exists on a specific Entity, even if their pointer address has changed. More...
class | Core |
| A wrapper around App that separates it from Window, the script running the game loop. This receives user events and pass them along to App. More...
struct | CylinderCollider |
| Model an axis-aligned cylinder collider. More...
struct | EllipsoidCollider |
| Model an axis-aligned ellipsoid. More...
class | EventMap |
| A mapping between events (which are ints under the hood) and callbacks. More...
class | GameWorld |
| Maintains a game world, where Entity, Component, Systems, and MetaSystems can be added, and events such as Startup, Update, FixedUpdate, and Draw can be invoked. More...
class | ICallback |
| Generic callback used for events. More...
class | IComponentContainer |
| Generic container of components. More...
class | IComponentGroup |
| Generic group of components. More...
class | InvokableSystemManager |
| A SystemManager where stages and events can be invoked. More...
struct | Light |
| Model a light. Wrapper around GraphicsEngine's light. Currently only support Point and Directional Lights. More...
struct | Material |
| Wrapper around the GraphisEngine's material. More...
struct | Mesh |
| A wrapper around a shared_ptr to a GraphicsEngine's shape. More...
struct | MeshCollider |
| Model a mesh containing a list of triangles. More...
class | NavMesh |
struct | RigidBody |
| Entities with a RigidBody will be moved by the engine in FixedUpdate, and will respond to collisions. More...
class | SystemManager |
| Manages Systems in the ECS model. Allows for System to be added, but not invoked. More...
struct | Transform |
| A wrapper around a shared pointer to a ModelTransform. This tells object where to position themselves in a 3D scene. More...
class | TypeMap |
| Map that has Types as key. More...
class | UniformGrid |
| Models a uniform grid in 3D space, with the ability to insert and inspect certain cells in the grid. These cells contains a collection of objects. More...
using | AudioEventInstance = FMOD_STUDIO_EVENTINSTANCE * |
| An audio instance equivalent to an instance of a sound. Can be start and stop. For correct 3D positioning of an instance, make sure to update the 3D position every frame.
using | attr = GraphicsEngine::VAOAttrib |
using | entity_type = std::uint32_t |
using | Signature = std::bitset< MAX_COMPONENTS > |
| Used for determining if an object has a certain component type. Signature [i] is true if it does, and false otherwise.
template<typename ... DataType> |
using | System = std::function< void(std::shared_ptr< GameWorld >, DataType...)> |
| System is a function that accepts a shared_ptr to a GameWorld, as well as extra variables.
void | reportAssertionFailed (const char *expression, const char *message, const char *file, int line,...) |
| Output a message signaling that an assertion has failed. This message is of the form: Assertion Failure: #expression, message: message , in file: file , line: line
bool | initializeLogger () |
| Initialize the logger. Neccessary to call before any logging.
void | shutDownLogger () |
| Shut down the logger, and flush any buffered output.
void | logOutput (LogLevel level, const char *message,...) |
| Log an output.