Saga Game Engine
No Matches
collisionSystemOptimizationStatic.cpp File Reference
#include "collisionSystemOptimizationStatic.h"
#include <numeric>
Include dependency graph for collisionSystemOptimizationStatic.cpp:


namespace  Saga
namespace  Saga::Systems


CollisionSystemData & Saga::Systems::getSystemData (std::shared_ptr< GameWorld > world)
 Retrieve the world's CollisionSystemData. This should live as a component on an entity. If none exists, an entity with the component will be created.
void Saga::Systems::rebuildStaticBVH (std::shared_ptr< GameWorld > world)
 This builds the bounding volume hierarchy for all static meshes in the scene, and stores it inside of CollisionSystemData. This lives on an entity inside the world, and will create an entity to contain CollisionSystemData if one has not been created.
std::optional< Collision > Saga::Systems::getClosestCollisionStatic (std::shared_ptr< GameWorld > world, std::optional< CollisionSystemData * > systemData, Entity entity, EllipsoidCollider &ellipsoidCollider, glm::vec3 pos, glm::vec3 dir)
 Retrieve the closest static collision to a moving ellipsoid.