Saga Game Engine
No Matches
audioSystem.cpp File Reference
Include dependency graph for audioSystem.cpp:


namespace  Saga
namespace  Saga::Systems


void Saga::Systems::audioEmitterAwake (std::shared_ptr< GameWorld > world)
 Preprocess all audio event emitters. This loads their events's sample data if requested, and additionally play them if AudioEmitter::playOnAwake is true.
void Saga::Systems::audioEmitterUpdate (std::shared_ptr< GameWorld > world, float deltaTime, float time)
 Perform updates to audio emitters in the scene. Specifically, if the emitter is playing a sound and it's a 3D emitter, makes sure that the 3D positioning of the emitter is updated correctly.
void Saga::Systems::audioEmitterUnload (std::shared_ptr< GameWorld > world)
 Perform cleanup on the event emitters. Specifically, this stops and release event instances, as well as unload their sample data if it was previously loaded on awake.
void Saga::Systems::audioCameraPositioning3D (std::shared_ptr< GameWorld > world)
 Adjust the audio listener. By default, this sets it to the first camera in the scene.
void Saga::Systems::registerAudioSystem (std::shared_ptr< GameWorld > world)
 Register the audio system.
void Saga::Systems::setupAudioSystem (std::shared_ptr< GameWorld > world)
 Setup the audio set of systems, adding the appropriate systems to their own Stages.