Saga Game Engine
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Collaboration diagram for Component:


struct  Saga::AudioEmitter
 Component for emitting sound events. More...
struct  Saga::Camera
 Wrapper around the GraphicsEngine camera. More...
struct  Saga::Collider
 A boolean flag to tell if an Entity has a Collider. More...
struct  Saga::CylinderCollider
 Model an axis-aligned cylinder collider. More...
struct  Saga::MeshCollider
 Model a mesh containing a list of triangles. More...
struct  Saga::EllipsoidCollider
 Model an axis-aligned ellipsoid. More...
struct  Saga::CollisionSystemData
 Manages data that the collision system uses. This lives in runtime on an empty entity. More...
struct  Saga::Light
 Model a light. Wrapper around GraphicsEngine's light. Currently only support Point and Directional Lights. More...
struct  Saga::Material
 Wrapper around the GraphisEngine's material. More...
struct  Saga::Mesh
 A wrapper around a shared_ptr to a GraphicsEngine's shape. More...
struct  Saga::RigidBody
 Entities with a RigidBody will be moved by the engine in FixedUpdate, and will respond to collisions. More...
struct  Saga::Transform
 A wrapper around a shared pointer to a ModelTransform. This tells object where to position themselves in a 3D scene. More...

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